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Bragabot's "Live Twitter Mentions" and "My Tweets Forwarding" system creates a dynamic interface between Twitter and Telegram. Through an intricate series of steps, we channel tweets from a global scale, filter them for relevance, analyze their content, and finally, present them in partner's Telegram group where users can interact and engage with the tweet. This workflow offers a detailed breakdown of each stage and the technology underpinning it.
Worldwide Tweets encompasses the entirety of tweets produced across the Twitter platform. It captures tweets from every user globally, ensuring a rich dataset for the subsequent stages of our workflow.
Twitter Streaming API: Our system actively employs the Twitter Streaming API. This allows us to real-time monitor and fetch tweets relevant to our partners based on specific hashtags, cashtags, and their Twitter accounts.
In this stage, tweets that hold relevance to our partners are isolated from the global dataset utilizing Twitter’s real-time streaming API. A distinctive characteristic here is the perpetually live data flow, circumventing the traditional batch-based data retrieval methods.
Upon receipt of the real-time streamed tweets, further processing takes place at the Bragabot’s Custom Endpoint.
Data Extraction: The endpoint is adept at extracting comprehensive details from the incoming tweet’s response. Key information gleaned includes:
Tweet text
Accompanying tweet images
Author of the tweet
Public metrics of the tweet's author
Incorporated tags
Entities, and more.
Every tweet response procured is subsequently funneled to the Bragabot AI for detailed scrutiny.
Tweet Analysis: Bragabot AI meticulously analyzes incoming tweets to ascertain their relevance to the project's scope.
Spam Filtering: A vital function is the discernment and filtration of spam or irrelevant content.
Forwarding: Post the validation and analysis phase; if a tweet aligns with project criteria and is deemed non-spam, it gets routed to @TheBragabot for the next phase.
@TheBragabot represents the frontline of our system
@TheBragabot meticulously evaluates incoming tweets and relays the tweet to the designated Project Telegram Group.
It acts as the final destination where the project tweets are delivered, where members can view and interact with the content relayed by @TheBragabot.